Tantrum Taming-Buy CD/MP3 online | First Way Forward

Tantrum Taming


Ages 3-5  Length: 17 mins

  • Visit a magic garden
  • Blow away angry feelings into a balloon
  • Blow away old tantrum behaviour
  • Stop shouting, pushing, shoving, hitting or kicking
  • Magic flower helps them calm down
  • Feel happy, relaxed and calm inside

15 in stock

Category: Product ID: 13830


Does your child THROW TANTRUMS? Are YOU AT YOUR WITS END? If so, this relaxing, imaginative recording for regular quiet time or bedtime-listening for 3-5 year olds could be your answer. Lynda helps them FEEL CALMER and resist the urge to shout, push, hit or shove when something doesn’t go their way. The story takes children to a magic garden where they blow their cross and angry feelings into balloons. A magic flower helps them calm themselves down whenever and wherever they need to, at nursery or pre-school or at home. With some children there seems to be an IMMEDIATE EFFECT but it is more likely that it will HAPPEN GRADUALLY with regular listening.

This SUCCESSFUL APPROACH is based on natural, safe, sound hypnotherapy principles: act out each positive step in the imagination and dramatically increase the chance of success in the real world. Lynda’s gentle, English voice calms, re-assures as she gives suggestions for boosting confidence and self-esteem. As a former teacher and clinical hypnotherapist of many years standing, she has helped thousands of children world-wide through her CDs and downloads. She has featured in the press, TV and radio and is author of two widely acclaimed books on hypnotherapy with children and adults.

The recording uses state of the art technology. Regular listening is the key to success!

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