Beat Fear of Flying-Buy MP3 online | First Way Forward

Beat Fear of Flying


Help for people in a hurry!
‘Instant Hypnosis Help’ series
Length: 13 mins

  • MP3 Format only
  • Relax deeply as you listen to a self-hypnosis recording
  • Let go anxious feelings
  • Banish scary thoughts
  • Create a sense of inner calm before & during the flight
  • Set up a trigger for immediate calm & control


Do you want some INSTANT RELAXING HELP to stop scaring yourself with upsetting thoughts? Do you want to feel emotionally more in control about flying? This SHORT self-help light hypnosis recording aims to give you INSTANT RELIEF JUST WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST. It contains POWERFUL SUGGESTIONS to STOP LETTING YOUR FEELINGS RUN AWAY WITH YOU and gain some sense of INNER CALM, CONFIDENCE AND CONTROL.
BUILD A STRONG ON-GOING CONFIDENCE through listening regularly (preferably daily) some weeks before the flight. But also listen on headphones IN THE AIRPORT AND ON THE FLIGHT after take-off to SOOTHE YOU AND INCREASE INNER FEELINGS OF SAFETY. Never listen while you are driving or when you need to concentrate on something else. SIMPLY RELAX AND FOCUS ON THE VOICE TO DERIVE FULL BENEFIT FROM THE HYPNOTIC RECORDING. Lynda’s GENTLE, WELL-MODULATED, ENGLISH VOICE CALMS, RE-ASSURES AND ENCOURAGES and teaches you a simple counting / breathing TRIGGER FOR CALM at just the moment you want it.
The recording uses state of the art technology. Regular listening is the key to success!

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